Coastal/Marine Research
March 2023 - Present
Coos Bay & Siuslaw River Estuaries, Oregon
I worked with Phd Candidate Allie Tissot on a research project for environmental detections of human-use contaminants across two estuaries in Oregon. I collaborated with Portland State University and the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians to assist in developing analytical protocols and establishing water quality standards for contaminants in First Foods in usual and accustomed fishing ground habitat. We sampled soft shell clams (Mya arenaria), eelgrass (Zostera marina), water, and sediment to understand drivers of eelgrass decline and identifying current contaminant concentrations in order to facilitate future toxicity experiments on the effects of multiple contaminant stressors on estuarine species. Study findings will inform eelgrass habitat management.
Invasive Species
Lead Researcher
August 2020-October 2021
Netarts Bay, Oregon
I trapped invasive green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and used them in an enclosure experiment to observe how their activity would affect different densities (high, medium, and low % cover) of eelgrass (Zostera marina) over the course of 2 weeks. I measured a variety of eelgrass health variables, sampled for benthic infauna, and tracked crab populations. Our results showed that green crabs do not have a significant effect on specific densities of eelgrass, but low density eelgrass beds are more susceptible to disturbance and loss in percent cover.
Assistant Lab Researcher
April 2020 - September 2020
Portland State University, Oregon
I assisted Phd Candidate Allie Tissot on her experiment on forestry pesticides effects on soft shell clams (Mya arenaria). We harvested soft-shell clams and placed them in tanks in the lab at PSU. We dosed the tanks with environmentally relevant concentrations of four pesticides registered for use in forestry (atrazine, 5 μg/L; hexazinone, 0.3 μg/L; indaziflam, 5 μg/L; and bifenthrin, 1.5 μg/g organic carbon (OC)). Pesticides were tested individually and in combination, except bifenthrin, which was tested only in combination with the other three. I helped measure shells and lyophilize tissue samples to measure growth and chemical concentrations from a subset of clams at the end of the experiment to measure contaminant uptake.
Urban Forest Research
Ecosystem Services
Co-Lead Researcher
June 2019 - September 2019
Portland State University, Portland, OR
In coordination with the Institute of Sustainable Solutions, I assessed the ecosystem services provided by the street trees on campus using i-tree, a USFS software program.
The trees were all Norway Maples in a poor to failing condition. The goal of this project was to prioritize removal of dying trees and to determine their replacements.
A report was created on the current ecosystem services and the projected ecosystem services over the next 5 and 10 years if the trees were removed and if the trees were left in place.
Update: 15 trees were removed and replaced in Winter 2020, as per my report.
Urban Canopy Distribution
Lead Researcher
May 2019 - August 2019
Gresham, OR
In coordination with Multnomah County, City of Gresham, and Friends of Trees
I trained Six SummerWorks interns in Urban Forestry data collection techniques and basic tree maintenance. We collected data on tree type, size, and health in Gresham neighborhoods most affected by the urban heat island effect. We input the data into GIS to visualize the distribution of the urban canopy and to create future natural resource management plans.
Outreach Products
An image of a Pacific Oyster infested with Polydora websteri. Blemishes are outlined in red.
Storyboard: A New Look for Oysters
In cooperation with Sea Grant and Megan Considine, MS student at Oregon State University
Polydora websteri is a marine worm that burrows into the shells of molluscs, creating unsightly blemishes on the inside of shells. Polydora websteri is not harmful to human health, but can make half-shell presentation difficult. Its presence has substantially impacted aquaculture and shellfish industries around the world. This storyboard is a regionally adaptable consumer and aquaculture outreach approach to assist oyster industries in defending against this threat.